Focusing on finding solutions that meet the needs of new customer segments has been one of Suzuki Garphyttan's driving forces in recent years. The global R&D department, located in Garphyttan, just outside Örebro, Sweden, is central to the company's development efforts. Systematic work and an open mind are guiding the company into new, unexplored industries and product segments.
The expansion of the offering aims to build a stronger business based on the company's central market position.
"We have a solid foundation in the knowledge gained from many years of collaboration with the automotive industry," Robin Olsson, CTO and Head of the R&D department, explains. "It's about adding new knowledge and new products. Having joined the work this year, it's clear to me that progress is rapid."

In 2023, new products in these segments were tested, and several set to hit the market in 2024. Robin continues,
"Right now, we're focusing on bright stainless wire, textile wire, Duplex, and cold-drawn wire. These are not new in themselves, but we believe we can capture market shares here because we have better technical expertise, better support, better products, and are actively working to reduce our climate impact."
New technology through collaboration

"At Suzuki Garphyttan, we design world-unique machines, meaning the company can offer something no one else can."
With experience from different roles within Suzuki Garphyttan and other industries, Robin Olsson has a clear vision of what is most important for succeeding in the continued ambition to create products and lead product development.
"At Suzuki Garphyttan, we design world-unique machines, Robin continues. When we build our own machines, we can add special features that meet the demands and expectations in entirely different ways, meaning we can offer something no one else can,” Robin concludes.

Collaboration and the ability to support each other both within and outside of Suzuki Garphyttan are key factors, he explains. The ambition is to continuously listen to customers, production sites, and the steel industry.