Innovation is a cornerstone of our operations at Suzuki Garphyttan. The transformation the company is undergoing to meet new markets and build capacity for new customer groups sharpens the need to stay at the forefront of technology within the industry.
- We often say we are stronger together at Suzuki Garphyttan. This is especially evident in research and development (R&D), says Robin and continues:
- R&D is an important service function internally. Many parts of the company are involved in shaping new products with high quality and the right features. We must enable and drive continuous improvements.
Experienced network
Together with all our sites in the global Suzuki Garphyttan group, there is a constant focus on efficiency and the optimal use of machinery and facilities. Collaboration with the Marketing team builds collective knowledge about what existing and potential customers need. This is vital for new wire types to emerge. Not every initiative will succeed, but the courage to try is important.
- Our strategy is to find the best solution for every case by combining in-house expertise, suppliers, customers, and external researchers. We use top-quality equipment available on the market, enhancing it with our technology to create the best overall solutions in our factories. This allows us to remain a world leader in our product segments, Robin explains.
Outward focus remains crucial
There are numerous examples of development projects. Most of the work is done internally, but an outward focus remains crucial. Over the past two years, we have developed a new hardening technology, and implemented and tested it at our factory in Suzhou, China. This new equipment enables us to deliver improved quality and more customized hardened wire. Moreover, it significantly reduces the environmental impact of the manufacturing process and enhances the working environment for our employees. Continuous development also takes place regarding the creation of various profiles and specific surface treatments based on unique needs. This includes both small details and larger machine components critical to the final result.
Continuous improvement
Robin Olsson and Development Engineer Sakthivel Balaji showcase drawings and photographs on a screen illustrating the placement of a new machine for wire production and how its parts will be assembled to achieve optimal functionality. Sometimes Suzuki Garphyttan manufactures machines entirely in-house. Other times, we purchase machines from renowned manufacturers, collaborating on specifications to ensure optimal performance. Robin Olsson views this ability to adapt development projects case by case as crucial in an industry that is constantly evolving.
- It is important for us to remain independent and retain our knowledge of the best possible technologies, as international competition is fierce. The R&D team is based in Sweden but includes expertise recruited from various parts of the world, working in collaboration across the group’s facilities.
- There is always much to do. Our goal is to continuously improve, so the work never becomes routine or dull. There is a natural drive in what we do, Robin concludes.

Robin Olsson and Development Engineer Sakthivel Balaji