
Suzuki Garphyttan sustainability reporting 2023

Suzuki Garphyttan’s sustainability report is part of the annual report and is made in accordance with the legal requirements of the Annual Accounts Act’s sixth chapter. The sustainability report covers all our production sites and operations.

Suzuki Garphyttan is a global leader in making high-performance steel wire products. Operating globally, our production facilities are located worldwide. We are continuing our journey forward - rethinking and approaching things in new ways. All to continue being a stable, future-proof partner to the automotive industry, and at the same time grow through innovative solutions and exciting partnerships in a variety of new areas.

Big opportunities to influence

Our sustainability work is based on our own strategic and operational sustainability goals, as well as the 2030 Agenda – the UN’s global goals for sustainable development. Through the sustainability report, we want to show that we as a company as well as every employee have big opportunities to influence our direct and indirect surroundings. 

By analysing our operations and their impacts, we have identified key sustainability challenges that are most crucial to our business. These challenges guide the establishment of our sustainability goals and serve as the focus for our ongoing efforts to drive positive change.

The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are reported refer to the entire business or are examples of initiatives, improvements, or similar for defined parts of the operations.

Read more and download the report

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